Thursday, November 23, 2006
My Thanksgiving
Well I had to work Wednesday night and I really didn't want to because I was supposed to cook Thanksgiving dinner this year but I went back anyway. We were told it was gonna be an easy night because there was only one truck and almost everyone was working so they told us it would be an easy night and we'd probably get to leave early. What a load of bull shit that was because I didn't get outta there until after 7am. They kept us there doing useless shit after we finished with the truck and they pissed everyone off, it wasn't just me this time. When I got home I made me something to eat and was gonna go to sleep but I was sore from work so my mother gave me a muscle relaxer. When I woke up I felt like someone was sitting on my chest and my neck was tingling, I was kinda freakin out and my mom checked my blood pressure. It was pretty high about 132 over 129 and usually my blood pressure's really low so it scared me. I was praying I didn't have to go to the hospital cause I don't have medical insurance but a few hours later everything was fine, I can breathe normally now and it's safe to say that I will never take Flexaril again.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Off To HELL!!!
Well I'm off to work and I really really don't wanna go. We didn't get outta there until 6am this morning and it's probably gonna be like that today too and to top it all off it's freakin freeeezing outside and our street is flooded. My back hurts like a bitch too but it'll be worth it when I get paid. Well..........until next time.

Monday, November 20, 2006
Work SUCKS!!!!!
From the title you can probably tell that I had a bad night at work and that's an understatement, by 4am I and the other girl I started with was ready to quit. I went in at 10pm and we met the lady that was gonna train us and she seemed nice enough well we went to the back and started pulling boxes off the line and that was cool. I don't mind hard work at all but it took forever for us to get a break and after we finished our work we had to go help everyone else with theirs. I'm a nice person and all but if I can finish my work you can finish yours too and I work pretty fast so come 4am which is quitting time for me the manager says if you came in at 10pm to head to the time clock. What does that mean to you, to clock out and go home right? Well evidently it means a whole other thing to them cause after we clocked out they said we were only supposed to clock out for lunch. I was only scheduled for a 6 hour shift and you don't get a lunch and we weren't the only ones that clocked out either, people that have been there a lot longer then us clocked out too and then the bastards didn't wanna let us leave. It's not like we could clock back in and they wouldn't unlock the damn doors to let us out and it pissed me the F**k off and I so don't wanna go back tomorrow night. After Christmas I'm lookin for another job because the bastards there don't know what the hell they're doin and I can't make it til February. I just had to vent.

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Pretty good day
So today's been a pretty good day, nothing spectacular's happened or anything I've just been chillin and thinking about tomorrow. It's my first day at work and it's been over a year since I've had a job and I guess I'm a little nervous but I'm sure I'll be fine. This is actually the perfect job for me since it has me working over night because I don't sleep at night so this one should work out fine, at least I hope it does. The picture posted above is the movie poster for a movie that I've been waiting a year to see DREAMGIRLS and it finally comes out this Christmas. I'm too excited about it. Well until tomorrow........

Friday, November 17, 2006
Yay for me!!

I'm so excited, after 14 months I finally got another job!! Isn't that great? I went to orientation today and I met some pretty nice people, I don't start until Sunday night though and that's cool. It gives me a day to rest and I think I might actually like this job, I get to work over night so that means no customers to deal with and that's a great thing. Well I'm finally gonna try to update this more often since I actually have something to talk about now and the picture above is of my nephew. It's one of my favorites.
